January 11, 2023

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 is



According to Parks & Rec, the “Education Center” is in the “public input phase,” so let’s give Mayor Keller our public input!!

On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, please CALL and EMAIL

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller

and express opposition to the Education Center!

Call the Mayor’s Office at 505-768-3000

Email Mayor Keller at MayorKellerIQ@cabq.gov

Template for Phone Calls and Emails

  1. Give your first and last name and identify yourself as an Albuquerque resident. (If you live outside of Bernalillo County, identify yourself as a concerned citizen.)

  2. Begin your message with: “As someone who voted for you in the past…” (Mayor Keller will be running for a third term! He only values your opinion if you’re someone who voted for him before and could vote for him again!)

  3. State that you are calling/emailing to express opposition to Parks & Rec’s planned “Education Center” in the Elena Gallegos Open Space.

  4. State that you are opposed to a building or development of ANY KIND in the Elena Gallegos.

  5. Share a sentence or two about why it’s important to you that the Elena Gallegos remain undeveloped, or why it’s important that our City representatives obey the law.

  6. Urge Mayor Keller to publicly and formally oppose the project.

Sample Phone and Email Scripts
(feel free to copy and paste!)

Sample Phone Call to the Mayor’s Office

Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m Mayor Keller’s constituent here in Albuquerque. I voted for Mayor Keller in the last election. I’m calling to ask Mayor Keller to oppose the Education Center in the Elena Gallegos Open Space. Our city needs more natural open space, not more government buildings. The deed to the Elena Gallegos prohibits all buildings and the deed should be honored and upheld. I urge Mayor Keller to publicly oppose the Education Center, and to oppose buildings or development of ANY KIND in the Elena Gallegos. Thank you.

Sample Email to Mayor Keller


Dear Mayor Keller,
As a resident of Albuquerque who voted for you in the past, I OPPOSE the city’s plan to build in Elena Gallegos Open Space! It doesn’t matter WHAT you call the building! That land was purchased by the citizens of Albuquerque with clear Land Use Restrictions that were AGREED UPON by both parties. NOTHING HAS CHANGED! In an effort to save the Mayor’s Office from embarrassment for spending tax payer dollars on a project that is prohibited, we respectfully ask that you oppose the Elena Gallegos Open Space Visitors Center / Foothills Environment Education Center – or whatever it is referred to. It is NOT okay for CABQ to ignore or erase the efforts of those before them who wisely signed a deed with the understanding and intent that Elena Gallegos remain undeveloped for all citizens of Albuquerque – for generations to come! Thank you for your time.
Albuquerque citizen [NAME]

If you have time and energy for more emails and phone calls, please also consider contacting:

CABQ Parks & Recreation Director Dave Simon

CALL Parks & Rec: 505-768-5353

EMAIL: dsimon@cabq.gov
CC Communications Director Franchesca Perdue: fperdue@cabq.gov

CABQ Open Space Superintendent Colleen Langan-McRoberts

CALL Open Space: 505-206-6646

EMAIL: cmcroberts@cabq.gov
CC Assistant Superintendent Jim Sattler: jsattler@cabq.gov
CC Planner Tricia Keffer: tkeffer@cabq.gov

Albuquerque City Councilors

We recommend please calling and emailing the Councilor who represents you specifically, then emailing the rest of the Councilors together in one email.

Learn which specific City Councilor represents you

If you live in an unincorporated area or outside the City of Albuquerque, call City Councilor Trudy Jones — the Elena Gallegos Open Space is in her district!

  1. Louie Sanchez — District 1
    Phone: 505-768-3111
    Email: lesanchez@cabq.gov
    CC Policy Analyst Brandon MacEachen: bmaceachen@cabq.gov

  2. Isaac Benton — District 2
    Phone: 505-768-3332
    Email: ibenton@cabq.gov
    CC Policy Analyst Nathan Molina: namolina@cabq.gov

  3. Klarissa Peña — District 3
    Phone: 505-768-3127
    Email: kpena@cabq.gov
    CC Policy Analyst Rachael Hernandez: rmhernandez@cabq.gov

  4. Brook Bassan — District 4
    Phone: 505-768-3101
    Email: bbassan@cabq.gov
    CC Policy Analyst Dawn Marie Emilio: dawnmarie@cabq.gov

  5. Dan Lewis — District 5
    Phone: 505-768-3118
    Email: danlewis@cabq.gov
    CC Policy Analyst Giselle Alvarez: galvarez@cabq.gov

  6. Pat Davis — District 6
    Phone: 505-768-3152
    Email: patdavis@cabq.gov
    CC Policy Analyst Sean Foran: seanforan@cabq.gov

  7. Tammy Fiebelkorn — District 7
    Phone: 505-768-3189
    Email: tfiebelkorn@cabq.gov
    CC Policy Analyst Laura Rummler: lrummler@cabq.gov

  8. Trudy Jones — District 8
    *Trudy Jones is the only City Councilor with direct involvement in this project. The Elena Gallegos Open Space is in her district, and her Policy Analyst, Aziza Chavez, was a member of the City’s “Advisory Committee” which designed and approved the building. Ms. Jones made clear her support for the project at an April 14, 2022 Zoom “Town Hall” hosted by the High Desert HOA.
    Phone: 505-768-3106
    Email: trudyjones@cabq.gov
    CC Policy Analyst Aziza Chavez: azizachavez@cabq.gov

  9. Renée Grout — District 9
    Phone: 505-768-3123
    Email: rgrout@cabq.gov
    CC Policy Analyst Rachel Miller: rrmiller@cabq.gov

Copy and paste to send one email to all Councilors at once:
TO: lesanchez@cabq.gov, ibenton@cabq.gov, kpena@cabq.gov, bbassan@cabq.gov, danlewis@cabq.gov, patdavis@cabq.gov, tfiebelkorn@cabq.gov, trudyjones@cabq.gov, rgrout@cabq.gov
CC: bmaceachen@cabq.gov, namolina@cabq.gov, rmhernandez@cabq.gov, dawnmarie@cabq.gov, galvarez@cabq.gov, seanforan@cabq.gov, lrummler@cabq.gov, azizachavez@cabq.gov, rrmiller@cabq.gov